Happy New Year! This holiday season has flown past - almost to the point where it never quite felt like Christmas, despite my mother's best efforts to replicate Santa's workshop in our living room...
The past few months have been so busy that I haven't had much time to properly keep up with most people. So just in case you weren't one of the lucky few forced listened to me moan about how stressed I was, here's a brief (moan-free!) review of the past few months.
I've finally finished all the lab work for my PhD! I had funding for three years, and that funding finished at the end of December, so from the end of October until just before Christmas I've been scrambling to make sure I have enough data for a decent thesis. I think I've been successful, but we'll see how decent the thesis is soon enough! Either way, I've finished everything I can do in Swansea, and I'm feeling pretty good about it all.

Unfortunately, no more funding means I had to move out of my lovely little place in Mumbles, and say goodbye (for now!) to some amazing friends. We did manage to get in a few weekend visits before I left though, filled with brunches, Thanksgiving dinners, and some great walks along the Gower. Still, it's never easy saying goodbye, even when you've known it's coming. The nice thing about academia, and academia friends, is that you stand a very good chance of seeing them again at conferences or meetings (and the mandatory tourist time tacked on to the end of said conferences and meetings!), so goodbyes are mostly temporary.
So now I'm home, having come back to my parents place for Christmas, and I'll be here for all of January, holed up in their basement with many pots of tea, analysing my data and thesisizing like a madwoman. It's been a year since I've been back, so coming home and seeing everyone has been amazing. Christmas-busy, but amazing!
The only difficult part of coming home is answering the question 'what's next?'. Partly because I feel like there's still so much to do with the PhD (this thesis isn't going to write itself!), and partly because I've never been one to have a solid plan, I find this question ridiculously difficult. But I do have a fairly nomadic six month plan - ready for it?!
I promised myself I'd take the week between Christmas and New Year's off, but now I'm back to work, organising my next random life event - Portugal! I got some funding a few months ago to do some work in Portugal for 3 months, so I'll be living there from February 1 until April 30, doing some labwork related to my PhD and continuing to write up my thesis. I can't wait! I visited Portugal last February and while it was a bit nerve-wracking (it was my first time visiting a country where English wasn't always the first language), I found the country and the culture really interesting, so I can't wait to go back. I'm going to get some Portuguese language CDs from the library and try to learn a little bit before I go so I can at least attempt a broken conversation with the locals. Wish me luck - languages are not my strength!

After Portugal there's a family trip to Norway in May that I'm beyond excited about, and then a conference in Iceland I'm attending at the end of May. And then I'm back in Swansea to defend my thesis in June. If all goes well I should be back in Canada (for good?) sometime in July. And that's when the plan ends...
It all sounds crazy, especially for a girl who never cared too much while growing up about leaving North America, but I think traveling abroad has been the best thing I've ever done. It can be frustrating and tiring sometimes, but in the best ways. And you meet so many amazing people and see so many great things that it makes all the challenges worth it.
Anyway, that's all for now. I expect now that I'm thesisizing I'll blog a bit more in an effort to procrastinate, and I have some great recipes from Christmas/New Years that must be shared, but for now I'll just say that I hope your Christmas was wonderful and Happy 2013!